In the summer of 2010 I was with my friends of vacations in the northern part, initially when we organize this trip we had many ideas of which to do, where of going, etc. Jajaj but it was enterteining. We were thinking of going to observatories, hills, beaches, fields and islands, the better thing of everything is that if we did it.
We seize our things and we went away towards the north of Santiago. First we come to La Serena after having been thrown in the road for almost 4 hours due to a damage of the bus. We come very late to La Serena and there we had to approach a taxi that was looking like a spatial ship, I fill of lights and “enchulado” as like as" PIMP MY RIDE " jaja in this one we went away direction to Punta de Choros, the way was a very irregular abundance of curves and one did not see at all for the immense darkness that existed was like to be in a roller coaster jajaja. Now we can laugh at this but in occasions we were afraid.
As soon as we come to Punta de Choros we knew that we were alive! In the place we had the opportunity to know the beaches, and to do the tour to the National Reservation Penguin Humbolt. After our stay on the coast we went away course to the Valle del Elqui where we did a stop in Vicuña, to realize the tour to the Observatory Mamalluca, very entertaining! After this we divide to the Valle del Elqui, where we remain in Pisco and there we enjoy the walks to the river, the food and the good company!
The stereotypes in Latin America always have been present. In every country one exists at least, often these are seen badly inside the most conservative population but often these deliver a great contribution to cultural standard. For example in our country the stereotypes of the aborigens are, the culture Mapuche does much that began to be a stereotype and not for them, but because as cultural attraction they are showy, as well as pascuenses, Aymaras, Mapuche, the "chilotes", the "huasos" there are many. In neighboring countries like Argentina we have the gauchos, or in Mexico for example the mariachis are.
At present probably these stereotypes are not any more acquaintances, due to the big foreign influences in the music for example we can recognize several styles of which the people are adopting and assimilating according to his tastes.
Of here they derive what they are the rockers, emos, rappers and flaites between others. Many of these for originating in a social precarious environment are not seen well by the company, which segments these "stereotypes" and does them day after day more different.
Personally I believe that to generate stereotypes is anything good, already one separates the persons instead of joining them.
This beach is to Ancud's northwest in Chiloé. In this beach it is possible to estimate a tranquility that does not exist in others, come there close to my family, in a few vacations that we realize to the south of the country, in this then I was living in Viña del Mar, coast city that has many beaches, and it is near many different more. For what for me was not very attractive to go to a beach.
Coming to Caulin we find with a beach of an a bit strange landscape, instead of being full of tourists, which we find was more showy, the beach was full of swans, together with his babies, I remember that united Francisco my brother we were chasing some of these for playing and then they us were chasing to us for bothering them.
Caulin's beach receives in the summer big populations of Swans which are together with his babies, and then they move back, in the winter this beach receives the Flemings that it comes from the north, even I have not had the opportunity to be able to see them, wait be soon.
I am charmed with this beach because beside being a tourist attraction, it is a sanctuary of birds, sheltering great quantity of migratory species during the year. I wait to be able to return to this wonderful place.
This is very graceful, my first CD was that of the soundtrack of the Movie "Pokémon 2000 ". Together with my brother Francisco we were big fanatics of Pokémon and we went to see the movie to the cinema, on having gone out went to eat with our parents and when we were going away towards the parking I remember that we were happening opposite to " Feria del Disco " and in the showcase there was a giant poster of the movie with the CD, and my mom I ask us: do they want to have it? And we shout. Yesss!!! Jajajja.
This it was the first CD of music that I had, it me never goes away to forget because the CD was bringing a promotional card, which alone some of they of them had and I I was lucky to have it.
Already then I began to have mine I remember for a birthday my best friend give myself Linkin Park's CD, this when even it was not in Chile! He I travel with his grandparents and it me brought it of The United States, for my birthday, was brilliant since until today I am a fan of this band.
The name of the disc was "Hybrid Theory" and my favorite song of this disc is " in the end ". This it was one of the best discs that I have had.
The best area or one of the best areas that I have had being in Geography, it was when I went with my friends to the Rock Glaciers “El Tapado” and “Llano las Liebres” in December of last year. I had the opportunity to be present at this area due to the fact that in the bus where he would travel there was no any more space, jaja so I went away with the persons who realize projects in these glaciers located near the limit with Argentina.
Thanks to this I had the opportunity to know these rocky glaciers, his landscapes, and of knowing this group of persons that from the date we take good relation, beside being able to share with some of my friends.
This experience was very good for me, since it had never ascended so highly coming up to 4800 meters of height, I only had been near 4100 meters of heights. I had the possibility of being in a left mine many years ago, which one finds to 3100 meters of height.
After this trip we were towards the "Valley of the Elqui " where we could cross and even extract fossils of a place near Paihuano, the following day we travelled in direction towards the National Park Monk Jorge, where we had the possibility of seeing the phenomenon of the "camanchaca".
Undoubtedly I was very lucky.